Date Idea #107 – Conduct a blind taste test using a variety of foods

Test your taste bud skills in your next date by having a series of blind taste tests together.
What brand of chocolate ice cream do you really prefer? Can you guess the brand of 5 different root beers? Can you name the company of 3 different BBQ chips blindfolded? Can you taste the difference with a plant based Beyond burger? Which gum has the best flavor?
All these questions (and many more) can be answered with this fun blind taste test date idea:
Step 1 – Decide on what foods you want to have a taste test with.
Step 2 – Go to the store separately and pick out a variety of brands of those foods for your partner to taste test. Buy at least 3 brands of each food type.
Step 3 – Blindfold your partner and have them taste each food and guess the brand name and say which flavor they like the best. Take turns doing this with different foods.
This is a fun and creative date idea to test those taste buds, enjoy some food and see what brand you really prefer.
Cost: $20-40