Date Idea #44 – Egg drop challenge competition
For this date idea, you will need to put your engineering skills to the test to see who’s egg can survive the great fall.
This competition is often done in schools, but it’s great fun for any age. Your job is to design an outer container to protect a raw egg from breaking as it falls to the ground. Here are some suggested steps to take for this date:
- Decide where you will be dropping the egg from. It could be from a step ladder, a window in your home, or a nearby bridge.
- Determine if you have any rules for the competition or outlawed materials (ie packing foam).
- Purchase a few eggs from the grocery store if you don’t have any.
- Draw a funny face on your egg with a Sharpie marker.
- Gather or purchase materials for the drop container. You can also just find random objects in your home.
- Give yourself a time limit to construct your shipping container.
- Take your egg insides its container to the designated drop zone and see how you do. If your egg survives the fall, you are a winner!
Common Materials: cardboard tubes, straws, newspaper, boxes, paper, tape, glue, rubber bands, popsicle sticks, baggies, features, and cotton balls.
Cost: $5-10 in supplies
#eggdropchallenge #eggdropcompetition #eggdropproject #eggdropexperiment #easter #easterfun #funwitheggs #eggs #science #gravity #humptydumpty