Date Idea #24 – Leave a trail of gold coins to a pot of gold
We all want to find a trail of gold coins that lead to a pot of gold. This date idea is a great way to either start out or close out your St. Patrick’s Day date.
Before your date night, pick up a small pot and fill it with a treat, a special message, or a surprise item. Next, fill the pot full of chocolate gold coins (you can get these at the dollar store or a candy store). Lastly, create a trail of coins that leads to the pot of gold. Start the trail from the front door and wind a path through your house to find the end of the rainbow.
You can start your date with the pot of gold, which can describe what is planned for the rest of the date. You can also use the pot of gold to bring a fun ending to your St. Patrick’s Day date.
Alternate Date Idea: Play gold coin toss. Divide up the gold coins and take turns tossing them into a hat or pot. The person that gets the most coins in the pot, wins!
Cost: $5-10 for the chocolate coins
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