Welcome to Date Every Week

Over 300 fun and creative date ideas to improve your relationship every week.

Date Idea #53 – Order dinner for each other without any input

Tonight on your dinner date, you are going to see how well you know the tastebuds of your partner.

Date Idea #52 – Plant a new flower in your yard

It’s time to find your green thumb and plant a flower together for your date night.

Date Idea #51 – Play the two-player “Lost Cities” card game

Playing board games or card games is a great activity for a date. One card game my wife and I really enjoy playing is “Lost Cities” by Kosmos.

Date Idea #50 – Paint Easter Eggs

Unleash your inner artist with this date idea and paint Easter Eggs together.

Date Idea #49 – Couples Easter egg hunt

For this date idea, you will create a fun Easter egg hunt for your partner.

Date Idea #48 – Create Easter baskets from the dollar store

Grab a mask and an empty basket/container and get ready for a fun date activity at the dollar store.

Date Idea #47 – Study the Easter story of Jesus Christ

This date idea is for you to spend some time learning more about each other’s spiritual side.

Date Idea #46 – Easter Scavenger Hunt

It’s time to go on a hunt… a hunt for Easter items! Grab your date (or another couple) and head off for an Easter Scavenger Hunt.

Date Idea #45 – Make & Decorate Easter Cookies

Spending time in the kitchen baking something is not only fun, but you get to enjoy something yummy when you are done.

Date Idea #44 – Egg drop challenge competition

For this date idea, you will need to put your engineering skills to the test to see who’s egg can survive the great fall.

Date Idea #43 – Have a jelly bean taste test

Find out who has the best sense of taste with this Easter-themed date idea. Whoever can guess the most correct flavors of jelly beans, wins!

Date Idea #42 – Color Easter Eggs

Coloring Easter eggs is not just fun for kids, but it’s also a fun activity to do on a date together.

Date Idea #41 – Build or paint a birdhouse for your yard

Invite friendly birds into your yard by setting up some real estate for these feathery friends. This date idea is to build a birdhouse or at least buy one and paint it together.

Date Idea #40 – Create your own homemade pizza

Everyone loves a good pizza, and you can make it the perfect pizza when you built it yourself with all your favorite toppings.

Date Idea #39 – Write down items on your bucket list

For this date idea, sit down with your partner and write down the items you want to accomplish before you kick the bucket.

Idea #38 – Test your skills at glow-in-the-dark miniature golfing

Take your classic game of mini-golf and turn out the lights! That’s what you get with cosmic glow-in-the-dark miniature golf.

Date Idea #37 – Spend a day on the slopes spring skiing

There is still some snow up in the mountains. Why not take advantage of it and go spring skiing together!

Date Idea #36 – Take the 5 Love Languages Quiz & Discuss

Everyone expresses and responds to love in different ways. Do you know your partner’s love language?

Date Idea #35 – Find some wind and fly a kite

Springtime is a great time to build and fly a kite together.

Date Idea #34 – Have an epic pillow fight

Gather all the pillows, couch cushions, stuffed animals, and cotton balls you have. It’s time to have an epic pillow fight!