Welcome to Date Every Week

Over 300 fun and creative date ideas to improve your relationship every week.

Date Idea #33 – Look at house plans online and find your dream home

Find your dream home as you browse through floorplans online together.

Date Idea #32 – Feed those lucky tastebuds with a yummy green dessert

We wanted to end our theme date ideas on a sweet note, so here it is. Celebrate the holiday with a yummy green dessert.

Date Idea #31 – Make a wish in a wishing well

If you want better luck in your life, then you need to make your true wish in a wishing well.

Date Idea #30 – Watch a YouTube performance from Celtic Woman

Celtic Woman is a grammy nominated Irish music group that has been performing for over 15 years. Get into the spirit of Saint Patrick’s Day by watching the performances of these talented Irish singers.

Date Idea #29 – Pot luck dinner with friends

It’s time to invite a few friends over to your home for a good old potluck dinner.

Date Idea #28 – Play a game of horseshoes

When was the last time you tried your luck at a game of horseshoes? This is a fun game for any age or skill level and is easy to learn.

Date Idea #27 – Color Celtic knotwork coloring sheets

Celebrate the Celtic culture and history by printing or buying some Celtic knot coloring pages.

Date Idea #26 – Make a four-course dinner of only green food

Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day by having a delicious dinner with only green food. Surprise your date with the meal, or plan and make the meal together.

Date Idea #25 – Watch an Irish or Saint Patrick’s Day Movie

Enjoy Saint Patrick’s Day from the comfort of your home couch or bedroom as you watch a movie about Ireland or Saint Patrick’s Day.

Date Idea #24 – Leave a trail of gold coins to a pot of gold

We all want to find a trail of gold coins that lead to a pot of gold. This date idea is a great way to either start out or close out your St. Patrick’s Day date.

Date Idea #23 – Smash random objects in a rage room

Rage rooms allow you to go to a private room and smash everything in sight. It’s fun and therapeutic.

Date Idea #22 – Blindfold your date for part of the evening

Add some mystery and intrigue to your date when you blindfold them for part of the date. Bring a blindfold with you on the date and take turns wearing it throughout the evening.

Date Idea #21 – Go shopping and buy each other a $10 gift

Looking for a cheap date night that is also creative? Have a $10 gift night.

Date Idea #20 – Drive around to find the location of the searchlight

You know when you driving around at night and you see a bright spotlight in the sky. Next time, why not find out what it’s for?

Date Idea #19 – Challenge each other at a few games of poker

Shuffle a deck of cards, deal them out and place your bets. If you don’t own any poker chips, Oreo cookies work as a great substitute.

Date Idea #18 – Make the ultimate banana split

It’s time to focus on your sweet tooth by building the ultimate banana split! This fun activity can be added to the end of any date to top off the evening.

Date Idea #17 – Explore the outdoors in snow shoes

Head out into the mountain snow together in snow shoes! Show shoes are designed to keep you on top of the snow, while normally you would sink right into it. Because of this, it’a a great way to have fun together on a date in the great outdoors.

Date Idea #16 – Plan a lucky Saint Patrick’s Theme Date

Celebrate this lucky holiday by planning the ultimate Saint Patrick’s’ Day theme date.

Date Idea #15 – Visit a new store you have never been inside before

Window shopping is always a fun date activity, and it’s free! It’s time to go check out a new store you haven’t been to before.

Date Idea #14 – Explore the frozen wonder of ice castles

Frozen ice castles are amazing places that use water techniques to form breathtaking structures of ice that you can walk through.