Date Idea #388 – Visit the gravesite of your loved ones that have passed on
Use this holiday (or an upcoming date night) to visit the gravesite of a loved one or learn something new about an ancestor.
Use this holiday (or an upcoming date night) to visit the gravesite of a loved one or learn something new about an ancestor.
Each paycheck you get, take out a little cash and put it in the date fund jar.
Quality Time Romantic Tip! Go on hike together! Hiking is one of my favorite things to do and find it so peaceful and also romantic.
Many local stores that sell board games want you to try and learn different games and have dedicated shelves with open board games for you to try.
We recently took a tour of an old gold mine, explored the old town, did a little shopping in the old shops, and had a great time.
One date idea my wife and I enjoy doing frequently is to visit antique shops.
There is something very impressive about a huge cement wall that holds up millions of gallons of water and it’s another free date idea you can do together!
Here’s another free and indoor date you can do. Build your body strength and mental health by doing yoga at home.
Try a different kind of date and research and attempt a Guinness World Record for your date night. Will you fail at beating the record, yep. Will you have fun trying, yep!
Have your own free indoor concert on your next date night and enjoy watching the music videos of your favorite songs.
Everyone enjoys a good movie and who doesn’t love an excuse to cuddle up on the couch and watch a romantic movie with the one they love?
As temperatures start to warm up, it’s time for a backyard dating experience. Here’s the steps to an unforgettable date night…
Take a tour of a local chocolate factory and sample the chocolate they make.
View the artwork of talented artists at a downtown gallery stroll.
It’s time to act like a kid again for your date and play on a playground, park or nearby schoolyard.
Grab a notebook and pencil (or phone or laptop) and write a poem to each other.
Everyone likes getting a gift card and most of us have a few gift cards that haven’t been used yet. Now is your chance to plan a date to use up the cards.
Today’s date idea is to play a fun light-hearted game of the ping-pong or take table tennis lessons.
It’s time to grab some binoculars and go bird watching for your next day date!
For this date idea you just need to grab a racket and go play some tennis together!